“Tell me the secrets of the universe,” I asked in a meditation.

“What do you want to know?”

“Anything I don’t already know with my conscious mind.”

And here is what came…

There are no secrets in the universe. Everything is known and accessible to you – in your heart, your subconscious, your higher mind.

You only perceive it as a mystery because you have closed yourself off from the infinite well of wisdom, creativity, and experience that you hold within.

It’s like a blind man with a key in his hand, trying to get through the door. But he has forgotten he’s holding the key. He can feel it. But he can’t see it. So he doubts his own clear knowing.

He fumbles around, looking for the way through the door, nearly breaking his shoulder as he tries to bust through it by force. There is treasure on the other side.

All he needs to do is tune into himself, remember, and turn the key.

By asking about the secrets of the universe, what you really want is to access the infinite well of wisdom and creativity in the universe – the beautiful uncapped power of your own soul.

You hold the key! Stop looking outside of you.

Yes, those teachers and books were valuable for your path. The beliefs passed onto you by your family and society have kept you safe and in control.

But your mind has held on to them, clutched onto them because you do not trust yourself.

Let it go.

You don’t need to cut them off completely. When you lessen the intensity of the water pouring out of the hose, it gets quiet enough for you to hear your own wisdom.

And no, your wisdom is not in your mind. You’ve relied on your intellect so far, and it has served you well. But your true wisdom is in your heart, and it is much more powerful than your mind.

The heart speaks more subtly than your loud thoughts – through emotions, your intuition, a quiet voice from deep inside. It points you back to yourself.

Have you practiced the art of deciphering between the beliefs of your mind and the knowings of your heart? The more you observe yourself and listen, the clearer it will become.

And here’s one more thing. You’ve been searching for the treasure on the other side of the door, but you’ve forgotten that you created the game. It was you who buried the treasure.

But you entered this lifetime with amnesia, forgetting everything.

You ask about the secrets of the universe… You’re asking yourself!

What would you do if you knew for certain that you are the creator of this game?

If you knew without a doubt, you’d go within and commit to finding the answers deep in your subconscious. You would trust yourself. You wouldn’t fear the “unknown.”

You’d remember who you are.

Finally, the door unlocks. And you find that the treasure is you.

You are everything – the game, the treasure, the observer, the creator. You are the entire universe.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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