When you look for guidance outside of you, you forget that the answers are already within.

You may not receive the answers you seek in the form of clear visions and messages because your guidance doesn’t come from ‘out there’.

If it came from the outside, that would create separation in what is already embodied by you.

This is part of learning to trust your intuition. The heart speaks more quietly than the loud voice of the mind, so you may miss it at times.

You tap into your wisdom in subtle ways – through intuition, emotion, dreams, ideas… And answers may come from seemingly random places – books, conversations, a song.

But there are no accidents. How many coincidences and signs do you need until you trust yourself?

The connection to the wisdom of your soul will strengthen the more you trust your intuition. Imagination.

When your heart is open, when you feel love, excitement, and joy – that is your soul speaking. It is telling you that you’re on the right path.

Start trusting your hunches, and you’ll open yourself to a new channel of wisdom.

Follow Your Hunches

Sometimes, the most magical things come from following small hunches.

It doesn’t always feel like a lightning bolt of inspiration.

You might:

  • Text a friend who ‘randomly’ introduces you to a future client
  • Go to a cafe and meet someone special
  • Take a walk and overhear a conversation that gives you the solution to a problem
  • Decide to paint and find yourself flooded with inspiration on your path
  • See a destination pop up everywhere and book a life-changing trip there

These small hunches come and go hundreds of times a day.

But if you tune into the energy of their pull, soon you’ll know which to follow.

The voice of the ego often pulls you all over the place. It comes with a sense of fear, of judgment, of “you should do this or that.” The voice of the heart is loving, consistent, and carries no judgment.

The hunches you follow are the ones you’re meant to follow. Don’t worry about missing a cue. There are plenty more to come.

These hunches are not a product of the mind. They feel more like an impulse. Or a quiet nudge that keeps coming up again from deep within, no matter how often you ignore it.

On good days, you may feel like you trust the universe. But remember that you are the universe. So most importantly, trust yourself.

You are sovereign. No one is above or separate from you.

Take ownership of your own sovereignty, and you’ll see that you are the source of your life.

There is a magic and wisdom to this dance, much greater than you realize.

You are the dancer, the music, and the choreographer… You are all of it.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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