Can we really make a living doing only what we love? This was one of the most important experiments and questions of my life. 

Over the past year and a half, I’ve completely overhauled my career, priorities, and how I spend my time.

I went from working full-time to consulting clients through my own business. And then, I refined my services so that I only work with clients I love and on projects that matter to me.

I started valuing my time, health, and inner bliss above all. Of course, this led to taking on fewer clients – but it opened the door to more delicious opportunities that are aligned with my soul.

My client work is now more heart-centered, focusing on coaching and mindset strategy. I work on causes that personally matter to me. And instead of chasing clients that burn me out, I give myself space to honor my personal passions.

This openness has allowed the most beautiful experience of flow in my life. 

Outside of client work, I spend most of my “working” time reading, reflecting, and writing… and traveling, mentoring others, and building my spiritual community.

What matters most to me is living from the heart, creating inner peace, and investing in my soul’s evolution. And as I evolve, my growth becomes reflected in my “work” and how I serve others.  

Putting my being first allows me to give my best self. 

Because of the freedom in my days, I don’t have to wake up to work at a certain time or push myself when I’m tired and uninspired. I listen to my body and mind’s natural rhythm. Often, my best ideas come at night or while walking to the gym.

Instead of trying to force my way to productivity, I practiced surrendering and allowing things to come my way. 

And as I surrendered more, a new opportunity fell into my lap. My friend Len, who produces spiritual documentaries, asked me to join him in co-creating a multimedia project. We’ll follow 9 women around the world who are manifesting 9 dreams, and document their journey.

My heart leapt in excitement, screaming a huge “Yes!” The topic of manifestation and opportunity to inspire people to follow their dreams is perfectly aligned with my own life mission. 

It felt like a gift from the universe. Synchronicity at work. 

We matched each of the 9 women with a life coach who will support them. The project is now launched, and we’ve attracted 21 people from around the world to join in its co-creation. 

Recently, another client came to me synchronistically through an introduction by a friend. Her life mission is to empower women through trauma therapy and healing – and I’m helping her build her business.

It felt like a perfect match, and again, it came to me effortlessly. 

Now, everything I do “for work” aligns with what I’d do anyway in my free time… and what I’d do even if I weren’t paid a single cent. I’m healthier and more fulfilled than I’ve ever been.

I truly believe it is possible to build your life around sharing your unique passions, natural gifts, and joys with the world.

And it’s even more than possible – it is your birthright.

Your soul chose to come here in this lifetime, carrying specific gifts, to live your mission.

But what is that mission? You don’t need to label your purpose as a single passion or career title. It’s much simpler than that.

You’re meant to share the love in your heart with the world in your own unique way – the way that makes you feel most alive.

“When you feel excitement, passion, energy – that’s your body’s translation of the vibration of who you really are. Your emotions are the soul’s language. Your highest emotions are your highest self. When you act in alignment with your excitement, you’re aligning yourself with your vibrational frequency and who you really are. Which makes everything flow so much easier. When you aren’t acting in accordance to who you really are, you struggle and there’s a lot more resistance. There’s an easier way to live, an easier way to transform.” – Bashar, Channeled by Darryl Anka

While there are billions of different types of soul missions, they all boil down to the same things: serving humanity, sharing love, and expanding and growing through this life experience.

But it’s hard to understand that when you equate purpose with “how you make money.” The paradox is – when you fully step into your power and soul mission, the money will come as a byproduct. 

I had to release a few things in order to shift my life:
—Attachment to money and fear of scarcity
—Fear of losing my reputation (among my old colleagues and mentors, family, and ‘society’ in general)
—Attachment to achieving and measuring my career “progress” in conventional ways for my self-worth
—My old definitions of “success” and what that looks like
Fear of failure
—Fear of success (the upper limit problem)

When you release your limiting beliefs and cut through all the layers, you’ll find the essence of your heart that no one else can replicate.

You’ll start living for yourself, instead of for all the stories you’ve told yourself about who you should be and what you should do.

We often don’t recognize our own light because it doesn’t look quite like what we’re told it should. And we compare ourselves to other “happy” and “successful” people.

Instead of trying to climb a ladder that you’re not sure is meant for you – create your life around just being you. That’s when you’re in your element, expressing the essence of your soul.

For me, the essence of my soul comes through loud and clear when I’m deep in meditation, in nature, or feeling most joyous and loved around friends and family.

It’s my zest for life. My rose-colored glasses and relentless optimism. It’s seeing humanity’s potential and elevating others. It’s tapping into a higher perspective, trusting that everything is unfolding perfectly to help us expand.

I naturally channel this energy into writing, coaching, and creative projects. And it’s the same energy I tap into when I’m sharing advice with friends, painting, and dancing.

It’s all the same love.

I spend my time following my natural instincts to create, help others, express my love for the world… And so, my “work” comes from the purest place. 

You shine your unique light onto the world simply through being who you are – through the smiles, conversations, and love that you give to friends and strangers. And of course, through your hobbies, passions, and projects. 

When you’re in your element, one door opens after another. 

But more important than what you “do” is how you’re “being”.

And when what you’re being in your career is synonymous with who you truly are, you dissolve all obligation, struggle, and separation. You just are.

Do what makes you come alive. Then, you are no longer making a living… You are simply living.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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