Category: Purpose
If I Could Share One Thing About Finding Your Purpose, It Would Be This.
by Ashmi Pathela | Nov 6, 2019 | Purpose | 0
If I could summarize and share one thing about finding your purpose that I’ve learned through observation and experience, it would be this: Purpose is not about what we DO. We’ve been looking at it all wrong…
Read MoreThe Heart of Your Purpose and Meaning of Life
by Ashmi Pathela | Jun 14, 2019 | Purpose | 0
What is your purpose? You can answer this in many complicated ways, but the heart of it is simple. Your purpose is to bring love into the world… by being your own unique expression of love.
Read MoreFollow Your Passions by How You Feel
by Ashmi Pathela | Mar 23, 2019 | Purpose | 0
How do you know what passions to follow? If you try to figure it out with your mind, you’re overthinking. Deep down, you already know how each passion feels to you. When I write, it feels like…
Read MoreFeeling Stuck, Lost… Lacking Momentum in Life
by Ashmi Pathela | Mar 12, 2019 | Purpose | 0
I’ve been feeling stuck and unmotivated lately. I haven’t written in a while – the ideas just aren’t flowing. I experienced so much momentum for many months, but now things are stagnant. It feels like another dark night of the soul…
Read MoreHow Changing Careers Brings You Closer to Your Core
by Ashmi Pathela | Dec 15, 2018 | Career, Purpose | 0
By the age of 21, I thought I knew what I wanted my career to look like, and what I aspired to become. I was in Silicon Valley, working at a startup and surrounded by brilliant entrepreneurs. Most of my friends were working in the tech industry.
Read MoreHow to Make a Living Doing What Makes You Come Alive
by Ashmi Pathela | Dec 14, 2018 | Career, Creativity, Purpose | 0
Can we really make a living doing only what we love? This was one of the most important experiments and questions of my life. Over the past year and a half, I’ve completely overhauled my career, priorities, and how I spend my time.
Read More6 Limiting Beliefs Keeping You from Your Dreams
by Ashmi Pathela | Aug 14, 2018 | Manifestation, Purpose | 0
We often walk around with little to no awareness of the fixed beliefs that hold us back in life. Understanding your limiting beliefs is the first step to expanding your idea about yourself and what’s possible for you.
Read MoreEntering the Age of Working in Service to Humanity
by Ashmi Pathela | Aug 12, 2018 | Awakening, Career, Purpose | 0
In meditation, feel into your heart. An immense love for the world starts blooming. There’s bright fire blooming in your heart. That is your light, yearning to overflow and spread to the world. We are entering a new age…
Read MoreI’m On My Path ~ Affirmations and Reminders on Purpose
by Ashmi Pathela | Aug 10, 2018 | Career, Purpose | 0
I’m on my path… There’s a great sigh of relief, and an excitement – a fire burning in my heart. There’s no turning back. Living my purpose is not about how I make money. It’s about how I’m living, how I’m being…
Read MoreAwakening to a New Way of Measuring My Life
by Ashmi Pathela | Jul 13, 2018 | Awakening, Manifestation, Purpose | 0
How long have I been sleepwalking through life, only to realize that everything I’d been chasing was not what I really want?… And everything my heart desires is even more magical and accessible than I could have imagined.
Read MoreFeeling Uncertain While Pursuing Your Purpose IS Progress
by Ashmi Pathela | Jul 5, 2018 | Awakening, Career, Purpose | 0
Many people have told me in the past month that they’re quitting their job or pivoting their business. They’re hungry to align their work more closely with their purpose and preferred lifestyle. But this takes a leap of faith, and the path forward is murky with uncertainty.
Read MoreI Traveled Around the World to Find My Greatest Journey Was Within
by Ashmi Pathela | Jun 22, 2018 | Awakening, Career, Purpose, Synchronicity | 0
Exactly this time last year, I packed up my apartment in San Francisco to start a new chapter – a year-long journey around the world. I wanted to travel to the places that called to me, working remotely and finding my tribe. I’d been dreaming about it for years.
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